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EECP-MC2 Therapy System Brochure
We are one of the reputed distributors of MC2 shell sheet, which is a perfect treatment option for angina and heart failure patients. This MC-2 is an effective EECP treatment system upon which external counter pulsation therapy was initially developed. Earlier used in clinical trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy, these analog-based systems are designed for maximum homodynamic benefit along with patient comfort.
Patient safety, protection and comfort:
- Operator-activated emergency stop button
- Alarm with auditory signal
- Patient-activated emergency stop button
The MC-2 system includes:
- Compressor and control unit
- Cuff systems in five sizes for maximum patient comfort
(XS, S, M, L, and XL) - Treatment table with a safe working load of 400 lbs (180 Kg)
- Set includes calf, lower thigh and upper thigh/buttocks
- Interconnecting cables and hoses
- Two of each: patient ECG cables, patient plethysmography cables
- Operation and training manuals
MC-2 System Technical Specifications :
ECG amplifier- Common mode rejection ratio: >90 dB
- Input impedance: >2 MQ
- Bandwidth: 1-20 Hz
Triggering method:
- External trigger: R-wave of patient ECG
- External trigger ratio: 1:1 or 1:2
- ECG trigger range:35-125 ±1 bpm
Filter Technique:
- Low-pass digital filter eliminates 50/60 Hz and high-frequency interference
Cuff pressure range:
- Adjustable from 80 - 300 mmHg
- Table safe working load: 400 lbs (180 Kg)
Treatment timer:
- Treatment time (system stop) setting for 1 hour (60 minutes) maximum
- System protection: main and compressor circuit breakers